Ladies’ Tournaments and Events

SPRING FLING:     Early in the season the ladies play what is known as the “Spring Fling”.  Each foursome consists of 3 ladies members and one golf course staff member. The aim is to get to know the staff who will be working around the course all summer.  The tournament format is a scramble.  The team with the lowest score is deemed the winning team and each member of that team receives a gift.

MEMORIAL PLATE:      This a tournament in memory and honour of many of the members

Lady members of the Banff Springs Golf Club in the 1930s. Courtesy: Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies (p55-31).

of the ladies club since 1932 who have passed away.

It is an 18-hole competition played with full handicaps.  Each player is given a marker, with a number on it.  This number is par plus handicap – the number of strokes each player is permitted.  Once that number is reached, the player puts her marker in the ground on the spot where the ball has landed after the final allotted stroke.  This hole number and location is then marked on the scorecard.  The player advancing the furthest is considered to be the “last to die”.  A t the end of 18 holes, if more than one player has not used all her strokes, the competition will continue to hole #1, and continue until a winner is declared.

Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place finishers.

SOWDEN:     This competition was first introduced in 1959 by Mrs. Jennifer Sowden.   It is an opportunity for high handicappers (those with 25+ handicaps) to compete against each other.  It started as a 9-hole competition, but since 1980 has been 18 holes and is played from the red tees.  At one time winners were limited to 2 wins only, but in 2012, the tournament was opened up to all 25+ members, no matter if they had won in prior years or not. As of 2023 the minimum handicap changed from 30 to 25.

ETHEL (TILLIE) KNIGHT MEMORIAL:   Tilley Knight was an avid golfer, who lived life to the

Ethel “Tillie” Knight won multiple club championships between 1941 and 1975. Courtesy: Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies (p55-31).

fullest degree and always looked forward to each day and its challenges.  She left funds for this tournament in her name.  The 18-hole fun tournament is played with two-person teams (one high, one low handicap player per team) in the Stableford Format.    Prizes are awarded to the first and second place teams and proximities as well as most and least putts.

CAPTAIN’S PIN:  This tournament is an 18-hole tournament with prizes for both low gross and low net players.  Note:  that one player may not win in both categories.

BOW VALLEY BASICS:  This annual tournament was initiated in 2008.  It is a 2-person team event, fully handicapped, with varying formats used each year to determine the winners.  Prizes are awarded to the two lowest scoring teams.

PRISCILLA HAMMOND CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP:   The first record of this 2-day, 36-hole medal scratch play tournament dates back to 1933.  Various flights are made to enable a large cross-section of players to be eligible.  The club champion is the player with the lowest gross score over the 2 days of play.  The Club Championship is played on two consecutive days.

SENIORS  & SUPER SENIORS:   This is really two tournaments in one. Members aged 50 – 69 play from the yellow tees in the Senior category. Those 70 and over play in the Super Senior category from the red tees. Prizes are awarded for first and second low gross and first and second low net in each of the categories providing there are sufficient participants.

CAROL MORRISON MEMORIAL:  This is a fun, non-competitive day of golf in memory of long time member Carol Morrision who passed away in 2019. The round is followed by a social gathering in the club house.

MATCH PLAY:  Members sign up early in the season for this competition.  Throughout the summer, matches are played by pairs of golfers.  The winner of each match continues through the competition until a winner emerges. There is a consolation side as well.


The Gladys Atkin Eclectic is an 18-hole, all season long competition.  The players enter their first Stanley Thompson round of the year scores on a board posted in the ladies locker room. Each hole’s score may be changed once only during the season.  The low gross score is the winner at the close of the season.

The Mrs. P.A. Moore Eclectic is an 18-hole, all season long competition.  The players enter

The original Eclectic Plate, which dates to 1932.

their first Stanley Thompson round of the year scores on a board posted in the ladies locker room.  Each hole’s score may be changed as many times as the score is improved throughout the season.  The low net score is the winner at the close of the season.

The number of prizes in these Eclectic competitions is determined by the number of players participating.

FALL FLING:  A not-so-serious round of golf played close to the end of the season.  No winners, no losers, just fun and friendship.  The end-of-the-year is usually celebrated with a re-gifting gift exchange at a member’s home.